Sports Technology Showcase

New York City played host to Delaware North & Playbk Sports

Australian Sport – More than Athletic Ability

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Australian Sport – More than Athletic Ability

Australian Sport – More than Athletic Ability

“Australian sporting culture and approach to innovation is world class and that’s why Delaware North loves doing business Down Under”

Jerry Jacobs Jr. CEO Delaware North

 Heather Ridout, AO, Consul General of Australia to New York, Burton joined Delaware North chief executive officer Jerry Jacobs Jr.,

Event Summary

New York City, 4 March — Playbk Sports was recently represented by Chief Operating Officer Rick Burton during a showcase event hosted by the Australian Government and its Trade and Investment Commission at the American Australian Association in New York City on 4 March.

In an event hosted by Heather Ridout AO, Consul General of Australia to New York, Burton joined Delaware North chief executive officer Jerry Jacobs Jr., speaking on a panel covering a range of wide-reaching topics during a night entitled “Australian Sport – More than Athletic Ability.”

Keynote Presenters

(L) Leigh Diffey, NBC Sports Broadcaster,
COO Rick Burton, Playbk Sports
Heather Ridout AO, Consul General of Australia to NYC
(R) Jerry Jacob Jr, Delaware North


Seismic Growth in Sport Technology 

11 Leading Australian Companies

Hosted by Trade & Investment Commission & AAA

Delaware North & Playbk Sports Panel 

Unlocked Efficient Ways To Break U.S Market

Immediate Need To Master Ways To Engage Young Fans

Showcase Overview

Innovation Unleashed 

There’s little doubt that what Playbk Sports has achieved in Australia can be transferred and amplified in the USA, with education, fitness and athlete development all benefitting from the seismic growth of technology in sport.

Photo Gallery

Australian Sport – More than Athletic Ability
Leigh Diffey, Heather Ridout, AO, Rick Burton and Jerry Jacobs Jr.
Australian Sport – More than Athletic Ability
Australian Sport – More than Athletic Ability
Australian Sport – More than Athletic Ability
Leigh Diffey, Heather Ridout, AO, Rick Burton and Jerry Jacobs Jr.

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Playbk Sports helps organisation innovate by developing personalised eLearning experiences that deeply connect with young fans