Leading the Charge in Global Expansion

Learn NFL Flag LMS is blazing the trail for equiping schools and coaches with world-class eLearning materials 

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National Football League – Learn NFL Flag LMS

Charlotte Offord Playbk Sports testimonial

I am delighted to share the exceptional services and expertise by Playbk Sports. They have successfully developed a tailored NFL Flag – Learning Management System (LMS) along with an online teacher accreditation course to support our international expansions. I look forward to our continued collaboration.

Charlotte Offord, GM of Australian & New Zealand at NFL 

Learn NFL FLAG Learning Management System


With more than 620,000 youth athletes NFL FLAG was poised for even greater expansion as the cornerstone of the NFL’s domestic and international participation and development strategies. 

July 2022 marked the first on-the-ground presence in Australia and New Zealand to help drive international growth.


International growth requires region specific educational resources to equip teachers and young people with knowledge, confidence and skills to participate in NFL FLAG.

Despite the NFL FLAG expanding its reach to Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China – the new arrival of the sport in Australia & New Zealand meant bespoke education of the game was a priority.


Technology is the enabler for NFL FLAG. 

Working with Playbk Sports to develop an Accredited PE Teacher Course and custom Learning Management System (LMS) empowered the NFL to harness existing IP in an efficient, highly scalable solution for the rapidly growing sport.


Organistion owned LMS – Learn NFL Flag is home to a 90-minute customised PE Teacher Acreditation eLearning Course. Endorsed by ACHPER (Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation) Victoria the course is mapped to National & State Curriculum standards.

In two months, more than 200 Teacher Accreditations with 98% of teachers planning to  incorporate the 6-week NFL Flag program into their school curriculum.


Bespoke 90 Minute Course 

Endorsed by ACHPER Victoria

Free For Teachers

400+ Teacher Accreditations = 96,000+ Students Engaged

98% of Very Satisfied with Learning Experience 

Wilson Sporting Goods Activation in Play 

NFL FLAG eLearning Course For Educators

Teacher Accreditation 

NFL Flag is one of the fastest growing sports participation products in the world. Now, teachers across Australia and New Zealand can bring this fun, inclusive and highly engaging sport into their health and physical education (HPE) classrooms for the first time.

The NFL Flag Teacher Accreditation Course is a unique online learning course that will immerse you into a virtual classroom environment, and through the experience of our NFL Flag coaches you will learn everything you need to know to bring NFL Flag to life in your HPE classes.

Ready to Elevate Your Participation Initiatives?

At Playbk Sports, we specialise in assisting elite teams and leagues in deepening their ties with schools, clubs, and broader networks through innovative eLearning and fitness solutions. Get in touch for a friendly chat today.

NFL Flag in Australia and New Zealand