Professional Sporting Teams have heard a lot over the last two years that we need to get used to the ‘new normal’, or ‘COVID normal’ or ‘the new way of doing things’. No doubt, life has changed for all of us as we embrace QR codes, wear masks in certain situations and pay just that little bit extra attention to hygiene and personal space.
In the sporting world, the new normal is going to be a little bit ‘old normal’. Crowds back in stadiums for one with fans getting a little closer to their heroes in the flesh for example. However, COVID has also forced significant changes and streamlined processes for professional sporting organisations, there are less resources and similar outcomes to be achieved. Sport across the globe is in the midst of embracing its new normal.
This to us at Playbk Sports represents ‘The New World’ – not all of it driven by the impact of the pandemic either. Before COVID took a wrecking ball to sport, there were inefficiencies, traditional approaches and disconnection all waiting to be addressed and bettered.

Rising Up in The New World
At Playbk we are driven to professional sporting teams look at sports technology and fan engagement in a new light. One which optimises staff time, provides genuine impact for the fan base and builds new revenue streams – a core component of living in The New World.
Here are 11 ways to inspire professional sporting teams to burst through the COVID banner and hit the new normal with a New World philosophy.
- Online Portal
Sounds simple, even old school for some forward thinkers. However, we help teams build a connected sports technology ecosystem which provides value and engagement opportunities for fans, technology enhanced learning tools, streamlined internal systems and connection to key SAAS products. It’s a portal with a purpose.
- Revenue Generating
From monthly subscriptions to pay per product, sponsorship to grant opportunities your portal is the epicentre of new revenue generating opportunities. With EdTech spend set to top over $400 billion by 2025 and the Sports Tech market trending in a similar direction, the only thing constraining your opportunity to generate revenue via your technology ecosystem is your vision.
- Commercialise IP
Walking the halls of your organisation is untapped access to IP across various professional sectors. From coaching and athlete performance to leadership and culture development, sporting organisations have an incredible array of talent that can be harnessed to provide true educational value for the young and mature learner alike.

- Online & Hybrid Learning
Traditional education programs are often delivered face to face – and there is still much value to this approach. The ability to scale your organisations offerings via digital is an efficient and effective way to grow your reach, whilst combining these offerings with access to face to face or in-club sessions provides that ‘in person’ touch which is still so critical for fan engagement.
- Harness Elite Profiles
Fans want to see and hear from their heroes. Your professional sporting teams technology ecosystem provides live and on demand opportunities for fans to access their favourite players in different and engaging ways. It doesn’t stop there though, local and semi-professional coaches around the world love hearing and learning from the elite level whilst any professional – experienced or emerging – could benefit from the insights and experiences of your executive team or board members.
- Global Scale
Let’s stop thinking about your catchment area for a minute and think about all of your fans based interstate or overseas. Providing bespoke products for these members and supporters bring them closer to the club than ever before, allowing them to access stories, resources and learning from the club they love in unique and impactful ways. All from the comfort of their New York, London or Wellington lounge room.
- Authentic Transfer
Our goal at Playbk Sports will never deviate from creating experiences that impact in an authentic and contextual manner. Whether it is a live stream nutrition program, keynote address from the CEO or an on demand learning program for teachers and students, our approach ensures your fans walk away with new skills and confidence – which keeps them coming back time and again.
- Grow Fan Database
With a shift in sport to not just support a team, but also follow individual players just as passionately, it represents an opportunity for clubs to build connections with non-traditional supporters. Building the fan database by providing access to your teams’ elite profiles is a great way to not only bring your traditional members closer to HQ but also engage with professional sporting teams fans in a completely unique way.
- Drive Membership Activation
The options are endless when you consider how to engage and reward your members through your sports technology ecosystem. Providing free access to products, gamifying the learning experience, pop up member only events or driving traffic to sponsor products are just some examples of how your team can reward your members in new and exciting ways.
- Save Time
Tech done right, with purpose, Playbk can develop efficiencies for your professional sporting team’s ability to scale your reach. From helping the community team to engage with thousands more participants or onboarding new staff before they walk in the door, there are dozens of ways a sports technology ecosystem can streamline efficiencies and scale reach – allowing your people the headspace and time to be outstanding at their role.
- Deliver Strategic Objectives
Why do we need a sports tech ecosystem? Good question. From experience, we know that the organisations that are thinking long term and aligning their digital strategy across the business are the ones that prosper and achieve strategic objectives. Your portal has the capacity to deliver across the whole of business, ensuring all departments can maximise their return in identified areas.
New World is Here
What is in no doubt, is that all professional sporting team’s must adapt the way they do business. Digital will be a central pillar to this as technology moves along at the breakneck speed we see in front of us (Metaverse anyone?!).
With carefully considered planning, appropriate investment and rigorous processes in place it is clear that Playbk can help your team embrace the New World philosophy and strike a blow as sport emerges from its COVID cave.
About Playbk Sports
Reach More Fans With World-Class SportsTech
Playbk is a leading SportsTech company bringing dynamic, digitally enabled online learning content to new and existing fans.
Playbk works with your team by harnessing your logo, players, coaches and administrators and uses the power of those ‘brands’ to create learning opportunities that clubs can commercialise.
As SportsTech trailblazers, Playbk fuses education and fan engagement – at scale.
Playbk’s full-stack digital approach provides strategy, portal design and development, marketing and technology solutions that seamlessly work within and uplift existing business functions.
Playbk continues to focus on innovative solutions for organisations across elite sport, education and not-for-profits to connect with fans in authentic and meaningful ways.
At Playbk, we create experiences that people remember.